The Great Creator

(Isaiah 40)

Our God will feed His flock like a shepherd,

The ewes with their young ones He will lead;

The lambs in His arms He’ll gently carry

And nothing shall His flock ever need.

Who else has held the oceans in His fingers,

And measured off the heavens with the span?

Who else was weighed the earth in a measure,

Or could the hills be weighed by any man?

Can anyone advise the Holy Spirit,

Or teach Him what is right or what is wise?

No, all the peoples of the world are nothing,

Small dust upon the balance in His eyes.

With what can we compare our God almighty

Who sits above the circle of the earth,

Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain

And gives the great and small and equal birth?

The everlasting God, the great Creator,

Who never will grow weary, faint or weak,

Who knows each star and planet in the heavens,

Gives strength, and power, and rest to all who seek.

The youths shall be exhausted, young men stumble,

But they that wait upon the Lord shall soar

Like eagles; they shall run and not be weary,

And they shall walk with God, and faint no more.

by Barbara C. Ryberg